Sunday, March 20, 2011


This is a Bottle of Moringa "Capsules" which can be purchased online for those who are not the "Tea-drinking" type, and still want the get the benefits of Moringa-Oliefera. (Click the Pic, and You can go directly to the website where you can buy it online NOW!)

Social Networks......
One of the best things to hit the internet in the history of surfing, if you asked me. In my opinion, it has become one of the best ways to find people, share information, and "Find" new information.
One of my fovorite social networks is All you have to do is sign up for a FREE account. Once, in, you can begin searching for friends immediately by simply typing their name into the search box at the top of each page.

Among other things you can do, you can also upload and share links to various websites. Which is a big hitter for Internet marketers because it's a Free means of traffic to their sites. Do you realize how much money a marketer can save by sharing links on a social network? It's absolutely splendid!!!

This brings me to the reason I'm speaking about theses networks, because this is exactly how I found out about Moringa-Oliefera! A friend of mine from high school, sent me an invitation to an event that was being hosted in our hometown, free of charge. The meeting was about a so called "Miracle-Tree"! I was like yeah, "O.K...Miracle Tree!" So I RSVP'd for the event with no intention of ever attending.

Instead, of attending the meeting, i got anxious and started having some meetings of my own...with Dr. Google! Whenever I don't understand something, I go to "Google". You can find just about everything, and anything on Google. So, I says to myself, '...what is a Miracle Tree?..

So, I went to You Tube and found this interesting video, and with their permission, you are invited to check this out...

so I typed it into the browser,and found a few different sites with pics of the most Basic leaves that I've ever seen.

This pic shows two types of leaves...(Click this pic to go to the online store NOW!)

So I clicked a few links and found out a lot of information!!!!!!!!! Now, to my knkowledge, i've never had a problem with comprehension. And, I know what i was reading, hearing, and seeing. People have been consuming this tree for years. The nutritional content of the tree is just "Rediculous" (in a good way!)

here's just a few points to consider...

  • 7 times the Vitamin C in oranges~~Save on Groceries!!!

  • 4 times the Calcium in milk ~~ Save on Groceries!!! (also prevents issues with Lactose Intollerance)

  • 4 times the Vitamin A in carrots ~~ Save on Groceries!!!

  • 3 times the Potassium in bananas ~~Save on Groceries!!!

  • 2 times the Protein in milk ~~Save on Groceries!!!!

This means instant savings on your monthly grocery bill! Do you realize how much money you can save on your yearly grocery expense at these rates? Now that you've saved nearly a thousand dollars in food costs, here are some other benefits to consider.
Did you know... that Moringa has been used for more that 40 years in countries outside the USA to treat over "300" illnesses? It's very gentle on the body, even for babies, and small children. Moringa has been used to treat malnutrition in Africa, India, Indonesia, (and many other places)
and is said to be an Ayurveda Medicine from India. *Click the purple word to hear an explanation of Ayurveda Medicine.

Another great benefit of Moringa consumption is the massive amount of energy that you feel. About a week after beginning my use of Moringa, I started noticing unusual increases in my energy level. At first, I thought that my "Bipolar Disorder" had kicked in, and I was just on one of my "roller-coaster" rides. but after about two weeks went by, and I realized that I was still feeling great, i thought to myself that it must be the Moringa!

So that brought me to another epiphany!--Now this is definitely a subject worth "Blogging" about! People need to hear about this. How can the USA be overlooking such a powerful, and amazing plant? Could it be honestly, because the plant would heal, and cure possibly up to, or even more than 90% of the illness plaguing the US?--Therefore causing the FDA to collapse, by means of not having adequate control over the medicines being "approved" for human consumption, or even "how" they are made?--Killing their 'ga-zillion' dollars in profit generated yearly from the poor souls led to believe that they honestly had serious-enough conditions to where they needed to be "medicated".....hmmmph???
(GET THIS....???)
So It's now almost a year later, since I first began to use the Moringa Oliefera Powder form, and I am HAPPY to say that I am very well now!!! No more IBS, no more bleeding in my stool, no more painful BM's, and my energy level are higher than they have been in years. Ironically, I must also report to you all, that I did, for several months stop taking the Moringa. Dr.'s Orders! As soon as I revealed to my Gastrointerologist that I was taking Moringa Ofiefera, he instantly demanded that I discontinue use! Warning me that..."You can not trust those products on the never know what you are getting..." Coincidentally, doc, on the contrary, have YOU read the ingredient labels on the products that you recommended I use as an alternative, just to regain intestinal regularity?...
Get this guys, and gals...First GI Doc reccommends a "fiber supplement", some orange flavored powdered stuff that you add to your water daily, that quickly turns into a thick gel if you don't drink it fast enough.. @ $17/Month
Second, GI Doc. Recommends a Calcium supplement.. @ $4/Month
Third...Acidophilus Pills @$27/Month
And Fourth...A Powdered Laxitive Drink Daily @ $18/Month...
Fith and Last, but not least...Suppositories!!! @28/Month!
A Whopping $94/month!.....That's $1,128 per year just to have a "Regular Bowel Movement!!!"
Am I SERIOUS???? You better believe it! Unless you're smart enough to start REALLY taking care of yourself. I spend less than $13 to try a product that turned my life around, literally. A year ago, I couldn't even sweep my kitchen floor...I would tire out before it was time to get the dustpan. Just yesterday, March 19th I raked up my entire back yard! Two huge piles of leaves, plus FIVE more nice-sized piles. It felt good, although I took a few breaks...I never put the rake down! Definately something well-worth thanking God for, as well as for the Miracle Tree that Provides the Nutrition.
*And most people don't even realize that the medications that we are being prescribed are merely mixtures of various chemicals derived from "plants". And some of these plants belong to a poisonous group..."Solonacea". People what a lot of us don't know is that most of the food that we eat from day-to-day is Genetically Modified. We are NOT eating "Real" food!!!!!!!!!!
*Has ANYONE noticed all the (seedless) fruits on the market??? What will we do when there are no more seeds?~~Are we paying attention?

And by us consuming these GMF's day to day, we're filling up our bodies with all the "Garbage" that the manufacturers add to the basic recipe. For example, one chemical is added to other powdered products to keep them what's called "free flowing", or to "prevent caking".

Have you ever wondered "Why" we are being manipulated to do a "Colon Cleanse" once a year?
I'd almost beet it's because there's no other way to expel all the "Garbage". They know that we have to get it out before it kills us...Literally!

I pray that we all will soon realize, and "accept by practicing" the fact that we were put here to live off the land, and to take care of it! WE must plant seeds, water them, prune the crops, and harvest them. We have "Grinder" teeth, not "Canine" teeth. We are supposed to be eating fruits, vegetables, grains, & fish!
We, as a human race, are the only species on the planet born with the ability to make decisions. Do you know of any other species "acting out" so to speak? Like a monkey living in a bee hive? Let's bring it a little more close to home, ever seen a woman breast feed a calf?~'No!....
So Why is it, that we had to go an genetically alter Cow's milk to feed our babies??? Why aren't the companies working with lactating mothers during their first months after childbirth, and enhancing our own milk for our own kind? What's with all the "Cross-breeding"?

Now that you have enlightened yourselves...think of how you plan to take care of your body in the future. Remember, you only get ONE!

*If you are experiencing issues with bowel irregularities, i suggest you check out this site,and read on how certain foods can help promote a healthier bowel.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


(Disclaimer:) Note that this is my blog, and that means that this is "My own" personal opinion! The info. presented in this blog is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prescribe anything to anyone. Should you decide to use this product, you understand that you are doing so of your own free will. We are all designed differently, therefore different people will have different results, that's life! I'm and simply sharing my knowledge with you all! Thanks~Jamie! Now to the Good Stuff...the info!

"Moringa Oleifera"...
...or the horseradish tree, has many names. You may call it benzolive, drumstick tree, kelor, marango, mlonge, mulangay, nébéday, saijhan, and sajna (leafs pictured below). All the same!

The pic the left is a comparison pic of the "Stevia vs. the Oliefera" leaves.
The Stevia (bigger) is said to be more sweet in flavor.

Social Networks......

One of the best things to hit the internet in the history of surfing, if you asked me. In my opinion, it has become one of the best ways to find people, share information, and "Find" new information.
One of my favorite social networks is All you have to do is sign up for a FREE account. Once, in, you can begin searching for friends immediately by simply typing their name into the search box at the top of each page.

Among other things you can do, you can also upload and share links to various websites. Which is a big hitter for Internet marketers because it's a Free means of traffic to their sites. Do you realize how much money a marketer can save by sharing links on a social network? It's absolutely splendid!!!

This brings me to the reason I'm speaking about theses networks, because this is exactly how I found out about Moringa-Oliefera! A friend of mine from high school, sent me an invitation to an event that was being hosted in our hometown, free of charge. The meeting was about a so called "Miracle-Tree"! I was like yeah, "O.K...Miracle Tree!" So I RSVP'd for the event (with no intention of ever attending,really just to show support).

Instead, of attending the meeting, i got anxious and started having some meetings of my own...with Dr. Google! Whenever I don't understand something, I go to "Google". You can find just about everything, and anything on Google. So, I says to myself, what is a Miracle Tree?

so I typed it into the browser,and found a few different sites with pics of the most Basic leaves that I've ever seen. (see the pic at the top) So I clicked a few links and found out a lot of information!!!!!!!!! Now, to my knowledge, I've never had a problem with comprehension. And, I know what i was reading, hearing, and seeing. People have been consuming this tree for years. The nutritional content of the tree is just "Rediculous" (in a good way!)

here's just a few points to consider...
  • 7 times the vitamin C in oranges~~Save on Groceries!!!
  • 4 times the calcium in milk ~~ Save on Groceries!!!
  • 4 times the vitamin A in carrots ~~ Save on Groceries!!!
  • 3 times the potassium in bananas ~~Save on Groceries!!!
  • 2 times the protein in milk ~~leave it for the calfs!!!!
  • 2 times the protein in yogurt~~Save even more on groceries!!!
Now that you've saved so much money, spend it on "Organic" produce! You just saved a lot of money so, now you have enough to afford the organic food. Make a "Pro-Life" decision! Do you realize how much money you can save on your yearly grocery expense at these rates? Now that you've saved nearly a thousand dollars in food costs, here are some other benefits to consider.
Did you know that Moringa has been used for more that 40 years in countries outside the USA to treat over "300" illnesses~INCLUDING AIDS? It's very gentle on the body, even for babies (it has two major nutrients needed for infants), and small children. According to studies in Tanzania, 25 grams daily of Moringa leaf powder will give a child the following recommended daily allowances:

Protein: 42%, Calcium: 125%, Magnesium: 61%, Potassium: 41%, Iron: 71%, Vitamin A: 272% and Vitamin C: 22%. Moringa has been used to treat malnutrition in Africa, India, Indonesia, (and many other places) and is said to be an Ayurveda Medicine from India. *Click the "blue" word to hear an explanation of Ayurveda Medicine.

>>Click HERE<<
to read more 'scientific' stuff about Moringa-Oleifera.

Click the pic below to be directed to another site where you can purchase your own Moringa Oleifera Capsules!!!

Another great benefit of Moringa consumption is the massive amount of energy that you feel. About a week after beginning my use of Moringa, I started noticing unusual increases in my energy level. At first, I thought that my "Bipolar Disorder" had kicked in, and I was just on one of my "roller-coaster" rides. but after about two weeks went by, and I realized that I was still feeling great, i thought to myself that it must be the Moringa!

So that brought me to another epiphany!--Now this is definitely a subject worth "Blogging" about! People need to hear about this! How can the USA be overlooking such a powerful, and amazing plant? Could it be honestly, because the plant would heal, and cure possibly up to, or even more than 90% of the illness plaguing the US?--Therefore causing the FDA to collapse, by means of not having adequate control over the medicines being "approved" for human consumption, or even "how" they are made?--Killing their 'ga-zillion' dollars in profit generated yearly from the poor souls led to believe that they honestly had serious-enough conditions to where they needed to be "medicated".....hmmmph???

*And most people don't even realize that the medications that we are being prescribed are merely mixtures of various chemicals derived from "plants". And some of these plants belong to a poisonous group..."Solonacea". People what a lot of us don't know is that most of the food that we eat from day-to-day is Genetically Modified. We are NOT eating "Real" food!!!!!!!!!!

And by us consuming these GMF's day to day, we're filling up our bodies with all the "Garbage" that the manufacturers add to the basic recipe. For example, "one" chemical is added to a powdered products to keep them what's called "free flowing", or to "prevent caking".

Have you ever wondered "why" we are being manipulated to do a "Colon Cleanse" once a year?
I'd almost bet it's because there's no other way to expel all the "garbage". They (FDA) know that we have to get it out before it kills us...Literally!

I wish i could get everyone to realize and accept the fact that we were put here to live off the land. WE must plant seeds, water them, prune the crops, and harvest them. We have "Grinder" teeth, not "Canine" teeth. We are supposed to be eating fruits, vegetables, grains, & fish!
We, as a human race, are the only species on the planet born with the ability to defy our designed purpose. Remember "Eve" in the Garden with the "Snake"? Well, I look at the FDA as the Snake!

Truth is, people, all the "meat" product we're consuming are really NOT for us. Meat does not provide the necessary nutritional balance we need, and it also does massive wear and tear on our digestive system! Thank GOD for Moringa, Oleifera! and all its ability to help restore our bodies back to a well-balanced state when consumed regularly!

The leaves carry the most nutrition. But, you can also eat just about the entire tree! It grows a vegetable similar to a long pea pod, that can also be boiled like green beans, and eaten.

Watch this video on Moringa, there are many other informative videos on that you can watch, just like I did. You Tube is another social site where people share videos. Another Independent Distributor has made this great informative video:

I began my journey with Moringa about a month ago. Why??? -because I have (HAD) many health issues and frankly, I'm tired of going to the doctors! I've had (six) abdominal surgeries in a 2-yr time frame-and I thought they( the Dr.s) were gonna kill me! See, in my opinion, doctors are only trained to help 0r "cure" people the "FDA way", meaning they are trained to "Prescribe medicine", medicine approved by the FDA!(Food & Drug Association). I've been down the prescription road for many, many years, and one prescription simply leads to another condition, which only leads to another prescription! Same story, different prescription... started feeling like I was "banging my head against a brick, now, I'm on a more homeopathic means of body rejuvenation so i set out to find my own cure. God put us here, I'm sure he put "Everything we need here as well! And we're smart(the smartest species on the planet!), so i believe that God will show me how to find it, and he did! I've found Moringa!
It's helped with my Arthritis in my back(1),(2)Moringa has completely STOPPED the rectal bleeding I'd been experiencing from a bad case of hemorrhoids in just three days! (3)Now i actually have an "Energy Level" where before i was always fatigued! After a month (+)of daily dripping, just three days drinking the tea, and it completely stopped! And, it hasn't returned yet!!!! So, "Mom's experiencing those hemorrhoid issues during/after pregnancy, Moringa is your stuff-No JOKE!" Guys, you too! I know that men have hemorrhoids, too! Sit on something hard like concrete too long...

So now, in summary,
I wrote this blog to inform and enlighten you on the "Miracle Tree" know as Moringa! And to let you know how this plant has helped me, and how it can help you! I also posted links to websites where anyone who is 18yrs or older can visit to purchase their own Moringa. Just click the pictures...below
(Moringa powder) (Moringa Capsules, Aloe Vera &Human Growth Hormone) (Moringa Oil, seeds, & cap)

This stuff is simply splendid!